The prophet Hosea said, “My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge.” Many, perhaps even most of those who profess faith, do not seem to be serious about doing God’s will. They believe the enemy’s lies and settle for less than what God says they are to become in Christ. At best, they become some kind of religious club member, not recognizing that born-again children of God are far more than an organization or part of some affiliation. True Christians are new creations and members of Christ’s body, the church.
In 1 Corinthians 12, the apostle Paul points out that each member is critically important to the health and function of the whole. He goes on to say in Ephesians that these members are to be directly connected to other parts, each supplying the need of the other and committed to others. We are to be one body, yielded to and supporting one another while submitted to the head, which is Christ.
When we recognize the truth of His Word in the power of the Holy Spirit, we are then built up together into the fullness of Christ as a healthy body of believers, revealing the nature of God, living in holy harmony, and becoming bold, effective witnesses for our Father. He will be glorified by the individual and collective influence of those who live filled to the overflowing with His Spirit, controlled by love, joy, peace, kindness, faithfulness, meekness, and self-control. We are to be seekers of truth and followers of Christ every moment we live and everywhere we go.
Life in Christ is not to be expressed like some mere pastime, “go to church to practice religion.” We are to be the church, expressing the very life of God. Believers are to be serious about God, studying to show ourselves as approved by God, as faithful workers who are not ashamed. We are not to be overcome by this world and distracted by it or inappropriately attracted to it. We are to be “more than conquerors” and overcomers in this life. As disciples we study and read—not for mere entertainment, but for enlightenment, for meaningful education, to have “understanding of the times.” We will not accumulate for ourselves teachers who tickle our itching ears according to our misguided desires.
Now is the time to wake up, put on the armor of light and wisdom, and run faithfully and fearlessly the race God has set before us. When we do this with our whole heart, we will be one with the Father, truly loving one another and all who do not know our wonderful Father and awesome Savior. Dedicated Christians want the best for everyone, and only in Christ can the best be found.
My heart breaks because many professing Christians are defeated, having little or no understanding of the times in which we now live. They seem clueless rather than filled with wisdom and knowledge. If believers read, it is only for entertainment rather than enlightenment and knowledge. They can’t seem to focus their undivided attention on God’s Word, truth, or reliable insights concerning issues or history. Most Americans give more attention to American Idol, mindless entertainment, meaningless fiction and sports than they give to truth about American history, what made us great, biblical principles, purposeful living, and acts of compassion. This is a sad, destructive reality.
For the benefit of believers who need to understand why certain principles are so important, God led me to risk being misunderstood and even criticized by joining with a brilliant Catholic philosopher who is in love with Jesus to offer meaningful help. Jay Richards and I came together to write a very serious book explaining why the current issues we face in our nation and in the world are so important to understand. Because we are so passionate about the content, we were most grateful when we learned that the book became a New York Times best seller immediately upon its release. Titled Indivisible: Restoring Faith, Family, and Freedom Before It’s Too Late, the book deals with many areas of serious spiritual and moral concern that have been dragged into the political arena to be misrepresented and cast aside, destroying basic morality and indispensable principles. Jay and I are diligently seeking to help all who claim to know the Father and believe Jesus is the Savior gain understanding of the times so people will not “perish for lack of understanding.” The book is a gift to the church, believers, and all who love the freedom we are rapidly losing.
Jesus said He “came to set captives free,” to “proclaim liberty to those who are downtrodden” and that “the truth will set you free.” Our nation has been forsaking truth for many years. Elections now demand that you vote to ignore, discard and even mock God’s Word, truth, and moral virtues. Believe this: It is not a matter of disappointing some party or special interest group, elitist media representatives, or ethnic groups. It is a matter of disregarding God and His Word. Our Creator gave us the freedom to choose how we live, what we do, and who we serve. True freedom grants all citizens the right to choose how they live, and unprincipled choices always produce damaging consequences. Who would have ever imagined that both major political parties, popular candidates, and voters would divide over whether marriage is between a man and a woman?
When a nation forsakes biblical principles, we won’t simply be in trouble with one another, but with God Himself. Please hear the heart cry of God calling us back into the “shadow and security” of His presence. This is where we must be determined to live, along with our families and all those we can influence. Outside of that shadow and shelter, all hell will break loose. Remember, Jesus said to the church, His body, to those who follow Him with their whole heart, “the gates of hell shall not prevail” against those who live by His Word as “more than conquerors in Christ.” It is not too late for the church to get “suited up” in the armor of God and lead the way out of darkness, but we must begin now. Please read Indivisible and encourage others who are concerned and love God to also seek to find understanding of the times so they can share the truth necessary to preserve that which is precious. Give it as a gift to church members, friends, and neighbors. Encourage community and church groups to meet and discuss the principles shared in the book and in my weekly commentary. Pray for our nation and all people to gain understanding.
The content Jay and I share is not mere entertainment—it is enlightening and very helpful. Understanding why certain beliefs are essential is critical in order to protect and preserve freedom. Do not allow political correctness to keep citizens from being corrected and taking proper preventive action. Get into God’s Word and get His Word in you. Don’t simply carry His Word in your hand, hide it in your heart so it will carry you! Start neighborhood and church discussions around the topics discussed in the book we wrote to help you and those you love. I think churches would find it helpful to make it a study course, encouraging serious discussions and prayer time concerning critically important issues we face nationally. Pray for pastors and priests to boldly speak out, calling for a return to godly principles and practices. Prayerfully seek ways in which you can bring significant issues to the forefront in your home church.
Years ago when I was speaking in stadiums and coliseums, God led me to know I was to become first and foremost a servant and also a spokesman, spending my life encouraging and supporting others. Our outreach multiplied immediately more than tenfold—including the number of commitments to Christ each year. We went from 200,000 to over 2 million decisions for Christ annually. We found people, including missionaries who were totally yielded to God, and began to undergird them. It was like providing more oil for the lanterns or lights shining around the world. This same thing must happen here as we seek to find and support called and committed leadership.
I wrote a few weeks ago about Dr. Ben Carson being a breath of fresh air and an answer to prayer. There are many men and women like him who could lead if people had enough wisdom and understanding to encourage and support them. It is imperative for all who believe God’s Word and that biblical principles are important to become well-informed and stand together for the truth that makes us free. My own precious wife who is very shy became a bold witness for Christ with a servant heart and has inspired many people to become aware of dangerous trends and the necessity of standing against them. You can do the same. Betty has become a great student of God’s Word and has diligently sought to gain understanding of the times. She has put her light up on the lampstand boldly and is a continual blessing to me and all who know her.
You can be a servant leader also. Jesus said “servants are the greatest in the kingdom” for God’s glory. For His kingdom purpose and the sake of all those you love and He loves, make a commitment to get serious, to be totally sold out to God’s will in your life right now. Let’s grow in Him together and share Jesus with those He gave His life to redeem and change forever. If those who profess to know God will get serious about doing His will, grow in understanding, and share truth and love, we will witness miraculous corrections. I, as one American, do not want a flawed man’s idea of “transformation” and “change” in America. I want what God and His Word calls “transformation” and “change.”
To order Indivisible by James Robison and Jay Richards, visit Amazon or Barnes and Noble. Give it to concerned friends as a gift, and encourage group discussions and prayer.
James another well researched and powerful message. I pray that your nation and other nations such as Australia will be again enlightened to God’s truth through Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
L.Agius (Sydney, Australia)
James makes the following comment:
“True freedom grants all citizens the right to choose how they live, and unprincipled choices always produce damaging consequences. Who would have ever imagined that both major political parties, popular candidates, and voters would divide over whether marriage is between a man and a woman?”
Yes, I wonder if it ever entered into the mind of the founding fathers of America that this would be a question which would cause such a division in this nation. I am confident that during the time of their influence in the formation of the United States and the Constitution this was not an issue, nor was it conceived. The definition and concept of marriage since the genesis of man was for the purpose to procreate, multiply, and replenish the earth. The advocates of same sex marriage desire that the entire definition of marriage be changed. They want equal rights, but it is impossible for them to have equal rights since they cannot procreate. There is nothing equal about it. The truth of the issue is, Satan wants to impose his abominations on this nation and he has to find vessels he can anoint and use for that purpose.
Everywhere we look we see the scriptures exposing the hypocrisies and abominations of this nation and the world. In reference to hypocrisy read closely an excerpt from the President made on January 29, 2013, concerning Comprehensive Immigration Reform:
“And when each new wave of immigrants arrived, they faced resistance from those who were already here. They faced hardship. They faced racism. They faced ridicule. But over time, as they went about their daily lives, as they earned a living, as they raised a family, as they built a community, as their kids went to school here, they did their part to build a nation.
They were the Einstein’s and the Carnegies. But they were also the millions of women and men whose names history may not remember, but whose actions helped make us who we are; who built this country hand by hand, brick by brick. (Applause.) They all came here knowing that what makes somebody an American is not just blood or birth, but allegiance to our founding principles and the faith in the idea that anyone from anywhere can write the next great chapter of our story.”
There is much truth in his statement in regards to the history of immigration, however, the hypocrisy and Satanic deception is also present if you look closely. The President is making a point about providing illegal immigrants American citizenship as we realize that it was the immigrants who “built this country hand by hand, brick by brick.” He speaks about their hardships, ridicule, and racism, but “they did their part to build a nation.” “They were the Einstein’s and the Carnegies. But they were also the millions of women and men whose names history may not remember, but whose actions helped make us who we are… they earned a living, as they raised a family, as they built a community, as their kids went to school here, they did their part to build a nation.”
Once again this is a true statement. However, here is the problem: The hypocrisy and deceit is in the fact that the millions of slaughtered babies who have been murdered by the hands of homicidal doctors and sociopathic politicians will never help build anything. They will never raise families and see their kids go to school. They will never have a chance to be another Einstein, Carnegie, Steve Jobs, Billy Graham, James Robison, Ben Carson, or an Abraham Lincoln, and make up the “millions of women and men whose names history may not remember, but whose actions helped make us who we are…” The children are dead. They have been murdered. They have been slaughtered. They never had a chance. This is the reprehensible hypocrisy and deception. This is abomination. This is blasphemy in the face of the Creator who said, “There is a way that seems right to men, but the end is death.” He said, “The wages of sin is death” which simply means the payment for unbelief, sin, perversion, rebellion, and abominations is death. The plague of death reigns over this nation and the nations of the world and they are blind to it.
Jesus Christ does not ask for good intentions, political reforms, and Supreme Court decisions. Political reforms and human legislation do not have the power to defeat Satan, his lies, and his deception. He has come to steal, and to kill, and to destroy and it is unfolding all around us. Jesus Christ requires repentance and to believe his Gospel. Think of this, the blood and guts of millions of innocent children who have been ripped out of their mother’s womb cries from the bloody soil of this nation, now tainted with the sins of hatred, violence, and murder. Their innocent cries and faces will meet every mother, doctor, and politician at the judgment seat of Christ. What then? To every mother, politician, and doctor, Repent and turn to Jesus Christ before it is too late that your sins may be blotted out. The LORD says, “I will shortly pour out my fury upon you, and accomplish my anger upon you: and I will judge you according to your ways, and will recompense you for all your abominations.” May you walk away from these abominations and fall into the loving arms of Jesus Christ.
The introduction by James in this commentary addresses the very heart and soul of the religious and deceptive condition of the church and the secular and carnal condition of the world. Please read it again:
“The prophet Hosea said, “My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge.” Many, perhaps even most of those who profess faith, do not seem to be serious about doing God’s will. They believe the enemy’s lies and settle for less than what God says they are to become in Christ. At best, they become some kind of religious club member, not recognizing that born-again children of God are far more than an organization or part of some affiliation. True Christians are new creations and members of Christ’s body, the church.”
This is a specific word from the heart of the Lord, it is timely, and it speaks volumes in regards to providing divine revelation about a deceived church by the world’s system and a deceived world by political propaganda. James’ commentary is not a State of the Union Address from a political platform, but it is a State of the World Address from the throne of the Most High God.
It is important to note that the issues addressed in this commentary can be understood by the wisdom of King Solomon. He said, “The thing that has been, it is that which will be; and that which is in the past, is that which will be in the future: and there is no new thing under the sun. Is there anything which man can say, See, this is new? It has been manifested of olden time, history always repeats itself.” The current times and spiritual condition we are living in are no different than the histories of the past. The seed of discrepancy, which was sown in the Garden of Eden, has left a trail of deception and judgment clearly identified in every earthly kingdom and nation. Therefore, by the revelations of past judgments we can see clearly what is in store for this nation and the nations of the world. On the other hand, the true church of Jesus Christ has followed a bloody trail of redemption since the accepted sacrifice of Abel and the Bride of Christ in this last age is still marching triumphant according to the overcoming word of the Lamb.
The Apostle Paul said, “But evil men and seducers will continue to add more to their evils, deceiving, and being deceived.” Deception, hypocrisy, the works of the flesh, the pride of life, and the lust of the eye are revealed throughout history, and we are now seeing it unfold in our generation.
James asks the question, “Who would have ever imagined that both major political parties, popular candidates, and voters would divide over whether marriage is between a man and a woman? This is not a new issue. Once again, the abominable practice of men with men and women with women can be traced throughout history. In Leviticus 18 the LORD God reveals the sexual sins and abominations of the non-Jewish nations and specifically identifies same sex perversion by stating, “You will not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.” There is nothing new under the sun. Satan cannot devise a new sin or abomination of which the LORD has not already uncovered and exposed.
Nevertheless, we have a sure word of prophecy from Jesus Christ himself; “My sheep know my voice, and they will not follow a stranger.” Kingdoms and nations rise and fall; kings and leaders are exalted and abased; and humanity is even a vapor that appears for a little time, and then vanishes away.” Therefore, “let us lay aside every weight, and the unbelief which does so easily entangle us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.”
God Bless you all, Betty, James and Jay. I plan on reading your book and buying extra copies to give out. Yes, we as Christians need to be “set apart” from the world and not do as the world does. It’s so sad that many Christians have “settled” to be like the world and not a servant in the world. Until we as Christians set ourselves apart from the world we are headed for destruction. Each and every day my hearts desire is to go home and see my Savior face to face….