
Can There Be Good Government?

Yes, there can be good government and it is necessary. Government, as our founders understood it and as we must understand, should be “of the people, by the people and for the people.” The phrase “for the people” must not be interpreted as “taking care of the people.” Good, healthy, effective, appropriate government is always under control, never in control. Healthy government serves the people, but never enslaves them.

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When Foolishness Rules

My heart overflows with God-given compassion for the suffering, for those who feel helpless and live with a sense of hopelessness. I know what it is like to feel forgotten, overlooked and to feel the pain of poverty. I also know that through the power of God’s grace and the wisdom He offers, we can be lifted out of any pit of despair or defeat. I have been so blessed as a husband, father, grandfather and a Christian that I cannot hold back the God-given desire to release this river of life toward others.

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Godlessness and the Necessary Great Awakening

I am on a prayerful journey researching history, seeking answers from The Answer and observing the effect of truth when applied or when rejected throughout the ages. I am asking God and others whom I believe have an understanding of the times to join me seeking to find the solid steps necessary to restore freedom’s foundation. Most of the wisdom found in Washington today is carved in stone, and it does not seem to be noticed or applied by many who were elected to serve.

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Live To Fulfill God’s Will

With deep gratitude and praise to God, I can honestly say that God has fulfilled the greatest desires of my heart. Betty and I are privileged to enjoy a meaningful, exciting relationship. Our children and eleven grandchildren love God. They are secure in their relationship with Christ and with each member in the entire family circle.

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The Silent Majority Must Speak

In America those who care should and those with strong opinions often do speak out – some loudly, a few effectively. This is one of freedom’s privileges and also a responsibility for all who understand things necessary for a democracy to remain healthy.

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Tax Week — Who Pays?

I want to see everyone blessed with opportunity to achieve meaning, purpose and fulfillment in life. My wife, Betty, and I would love to help every suffering person on this planet, but we are limited in our capacity to assist. Each one of us should seek to do our part sharing and meeting real needs.

Because we care many people seek our help. They are desperate for assistance and answers. God revealed to me that everything in His heart is not my part. I can't do it all; no one can. We must seek to know and fulfill our part in God's heart.

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