The fierceness and the forces of hell are focused on keeping believers apart and from becoming one with Christ and one another. Those hellish forces must not win the battle. Christ’s prayer must be answered in our day and be manifest in our lives as yielded members of His body, the church – submitted to the Head – Christ Himself. We are to be a devoted family revealing the heart of our Father and extending His hands of blessing to a suffering world drowning in deception and stumbling in darkness.
Please pray for a very special event tomorrow, and what I believe could prove to be a clear answer to prayer, not only the prayers of concerned people, but the very prayers of Jesus Himself. The meeting I refer to will be held at The Potter’s House in Dallas, where Bishop T.D. Jakes is pastor. Minority leaders are coming together to seek reconciliation in the church and our nation, and the healing of the racial divide.
The day meetings will be with church leaders only seeking God’s wisdom together and the way to the necessary healing. In the afternoon those selected by the group will face the media and seek to summarize what has taken place and share their hopes. I have been a part of this prayerful process and have been asked to be involved in the dialogue throughout the day. I will emphasize clearly that although we desperately need national course correction and strong wise leadership as well as qualified committed representatives in Washington, the church and Christians must never be seen as “king makers.” We have a King and His name is Jesus and He must be exalted through His body by those who choose to obey His commission to be witnesses with the effect of light and salt. Last night while taping for the LIFE Today television program, Dr. Tony Evans said, “People should not complain about the darkness in the room when they hold a light bulb and fail to turn it on.”
I will encourage everyone attending, everyone reading this article, and all with ears to hear to recognize that the Body of Christ has no minority parts. As a matter of fact the Apostle Paul said we are to give the greatest honor to the parts deemed less honorable. We must throw our egos and logos out while recognizing that the day of the “somebodies” must be over and this must be the day of His Body. Every one of us has an important role to play, and those our Lord has placed in the church and gifted as apostles, prophets, pastors, evangelists, and teachers must become tributaries of life, love, truth and wisdom necessary to guide us safely and securely through these perilous last days.
In the great love chapter found in 1 Corinthians 13, Paul shared “the more excellent way.” That great chapter closed with this verse I read again this morning: “Now remaineth these – faith, hope and love, but the greatest of these is love.” The moment I finished reading, it was as though the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart and said, “Faith and hope is carried on the shoulders of love.”
Please pray diligently for this gathering tomorrow (Thursday, January 15). The public is invited to attend the Communion & Commissioning Service at The Potter’s House beginning at 7pm. Pray above all that the place will be filled with the glorious, manifest presence of our great God and Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.
For more information, go to the The evening service will also be aired on Daystar television network.