bumper sticker
As we begin the New Year, I quickly recognize that the enemy of truth and God’s Word is still seeking to silence believers with some of the same tactics I witnessed in the late 1970’s. I am grateful Phil Robertson with “Duck Dynasty” has now been put back on A&E. I was kicked off television for preaching God’s Word because of an awful law called “The Fairness Doctrine” which was indescribably unfair, especially to those who stood for biblical truth and principles. I refused to step back, stand down, and remain silent while the freedom of speech and the right to preach was being blatantly attacked. We organized what was called the Freedom Rally and it was attended by over 11,000 believers overflowing the Dallas Convention Center. Many major Christian leaders from all denominations joined together on the platform. It was the first time in many years Christians and church leaders came together in supernatural unity standing together in defense of freedom and biblical truth. I was 35 years old when I delivered the following message in defense of freedom and the proclamation of God’s Word.

Freedom To Preach (part 1)

bumper sticker
As we begin the New Year, I quickly recognize that the enemy of truth and God’s Word is still seeking to silence believers with some of the same tactics I witnessed in the late 1970’s. I am grateful Phil Robertson with “Duck Dynasty” has now been put back on A&E. I was kicked off television for preaching God’s Word because of an awful law called “The Fairness Doctrine” which was indescribably unfair, especially to those who stood for biblical truth and principles. I refused to step back, stand down, and remain silent while the freedom of speech and the right to preach was being blatantly attacked. We organized what was called the Freedom Rally and it was attended by over 11,000 believers overflowing the Dallas Convention Center. Many major Christian leaders from all denominations joined together on the platform. It was the first time in many years Christians and church leaders came together in supernatural unity standing together in defense of freedom and biblical truth. I was 35 years old when I delivered the following message in defense of freedom and the proclamation of God’s Word.

James Robison
We are here in honor of Almighty God, His Word, and our Constitution. I am not flattered, but yet I am deeply grateful to God for such support evidenced here not only by the number, but by the spirit. My dear friends, the spirit that prevails in this assembly is the only hope the world and this nation have for survival. It is an answer to my prayer to see the different denominations here – those who believe the Bible. If you do not believe the Bible, we have no basis for fellowship. When I say “believe the Bible,” I mean it is the inerrant, infallible, inspired Word of the living, eternal God. It is God-breathed, and it must be proclaimed without apology in the power of the Holy Spirit. To see you come together, to love the Lord, His Word and one another is a deep inspiration to me. I want to thank God and you for the privilege of seeing such a sight.

It is my prayer WFAA will rescind their horrendous, tragic decision and put us back on the air. I ask you to pray we might have in this community someone humble and honest enough to admit they made a mistake and reverse it. Just say, “We made a mistake and want to correct it in the name of freedom, liberty and justice, and we don’t care who doesn’t like it.” That is my prayer.

Someone asked me if I still believe homosexuality is a sin. My dear friends, homosexuality, sodomy, sexual impurity was a sin when God Almighty rained fire on Sodom and Gomorrah. It was a sin when Paul wrote his letters to the Romans and Corinthians. It was a sin on February 5, 1979 when I preached it is a sin on WFAA, channel 8 in Dallas, and it is still a sin on June 5, 1979 in Dallas. It will be a sin until Jesus comes again.

It is against God and His Word. It is against society; and it is against nature. It is almost too repulsive to imagine and to attempt to describe the horrors of it. God have mercy on us all. The Bible is not against homosexuals, but it speaks specifically against the sin of homosexuality. It also speaks against the sin of complacency. God deliver us as Christians from apathy, indifference and complacency or we’re all dead. God help us.

I have no problem understanding homosexuality as a sin. I was preaching from Romans 1 when I lost access to the airwaves. I wonder who under heaven, or out of hell, may now come and try to stop an assembly such as this as I again shall speak from Romans 1:18-32.

I want to give you the progression of the rapid descent to depraved thinking and destruction. I want to tell you how to lose freedom. I’m going to tell you what freedom really is. “Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” Freedom is truth. Truth is the Word of God. Truth is the Bible. Truth is Jesus Christ. Apart from God’s truth, God’s Word, there is no freedom. A departure from God and His Word is the first catastrophic step to destruction. To reject God as God is to descend to the very depths of hell while existing in this present lifetime. It is to invite hellish appetites, hellish enslavement into a very sensual, physical being. “When they knew God, they glorified him not as God.”


The first step to destruction is the rejection of God as God. It matters not how often you say, “I believe in God.” It matters what you say daily with your life. For your life is a letter, written on the fleshly tablets of men’s hearts. For your life must say with every vibrant act, “I adore Him. I worship Him. I love Him. I believe in Him. I honor Him, and I glorify Him, for He is my God.” Even while Jesus Christ died on the cross forsaken by God, forsaken by His Father, He said, “My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken me? Even if You forsake me, You are still my Father, and my God.” That must be the testimony of God’s divine creation. He is God. When we do not glorify Him as God, “We become vain in our imagination, professing ourselves to be wise, we become fools.” How on earth can some denominations be so foolhardy as to convene in conventions and vote whether or not homosexuality is a sin – when God settled it long ago. How do you vote on that matter? It is already settled.

I do not care if they drag all Ten Commandments of Almighty God into the political arena. I will still preach, “Thus saith the Lord God.” If the Supreme Court convenes and decides hell is cruel and unusual punishment, I will still stand up and preach what the Bible says about hell. There is a hell. The Bible is the measure by which all societies and all men will be judged. Truth is determined truth by the measure of truth. That which is not truth is determined untruth by the measure of truth, and the measure of truth is Jesus and God’s Word. You don’t follow preachers, you follow truth. If they don’t preach the truth, follow the truth then get away from them. They’re dangerous. Those who refuse to preach the truth without apology will lead you to destruction. We must have heralds of the truth, for the Bible is the truth.

If you read the Old Testament, you will find the prophets were considered troublemakers. Most of them were never invited back for their second meeting. Most of them were never invited for the first. They just come with a message. They were not popular. Prophets never have been popular. The Bible never has been popular. They stoned the Old Testament prophets. They killed the apostles. They beheaded John the Baptist. Legend said they beheaded the apostle Paul. Jesus Christ, the greatest prophet of all time was crucified. Brother, if the Bible you preach is popular, it isn’t the Bible God gave you. It will never be popular, but it is effective.


Recently I was told I couldn’t put our television program on channel 8 to refute Hugh Hefner’s Playboy special which he didn’t even have to pay for. The network gave him time to put his garbage on television. I asked if I could have equal time to give the Christian perspective and they replied, “In no way did Mr. Hefner, or Hollywood’s portrayal of life invoke the Fairness Doctrine because entertainment reveals life as it is.” Brother, I’m tired of seeing life as it is. The Bible reveals life as it should be. That’s what we need.

You may say, “James Robison, you’re a troublemaker.” Well, you’re right. I’m worse than a troublemaker; I’m a reactionary. I respond. I react with action. I react to the burning of the American flag. I react to the assassination attempt on the Constitution of the United States. I react to the violations of the rights of the American people; to the invasion of my privacy and the privacy of any other American. I react to wars supported for financial gain; to irresponsible voting in Congress; to the blatant compromise with communism (today – secular progressive socialism); to prayer removed from schools. I react to murder in the name of abortion; to abortion in the name of women’s rights – I react! I care!

I react when homosexuality is labeled a normal lifestyle. I react to sex out of wedlock. I react to the abuses of children; to magnifying crime and violence on television; to the new morality which is immorality. I react to welfare over work; to preachers who won’t preach; to churches who have no mission; to pornography in the name of art; to the excessive and unnecessary taxation of the American people. I react to pot parties over birthday parties; I react to worthless politicians over statesmanship. I react to the loss of the freedom granted us by the Constitution. Brother, I‘m ready to do something about it…Standing up for truth and freedom!

It was a dark day in November when an assassin’s bullet shattered the silence and pierced the head of the President of the United States, near where we are meeting. The populace, the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex, neither contributed to nor consented to, the death of the President. But my dear friend, a darker day dawns on the horizon of this age and this year. For the blackest day in human history may soon dawn in Dallas. A President died without our consent, but freedom of religion and freedom of speech will only die with the silent consent of indifferent Christians and Americans. If we lose here, we lose all over America. We must not let it happen.


You can read part two and the conclusion of this message in next week’s commentary.


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