Sensitive, discerning people can easily read the signs indicating the potentially catastrophic consequences resulting from a liberal, progressive philosophy. The trend makes slavery under Pharaoh’s prominence appear more understandable. Israel was trapped in bondage during a time of dreadful depravity. Likewise, much of the United States and free world have been misled in their thinking.

Deception Out, Truth In

Sensitive, discerning people can easily read the signs indicating the potentially catastrophic consequences resulting from a liberal, progressive philosophy. The trend makes slavery under Pharaoh’s prominence appear more understandable. Israel was trapped in bondage during a time of dreadful depravity. Likewise, much of the United States and free world have been misled in their thinking. They seem excited about selling their lives into a state of dependency upon government and accepting an ever-increasing hostility toward the only people who can possibly help create more jobs and opportunities.

The predicted disaster can be avoided, but only if the church (God’s Kingdom people) begins to walk boldly in the light of God’s counsel and no longer remain hidden under the bushel of compromise, conformity and comfort. There is hope! The pending crisis and severity it threatens can be avoided if believers allow the glory of God’s presence to be revealed through them before the Lord returns in glory. Believers must join Jesus in the prayer for God’s will to be done on earth. True believers can influence others to recognize the best possible solutions to serious problems. A person does not necessarily have to be a Christian to recognize laws and principles proven to work.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a great pastor and biblical theologian in Germany prior to World War II, was silenced in his opposition to the personification of evil manifested in Adolf Hitler and the Nazi regime. He and other true believers prayed Hitler out, even as many of them, including Bonhoeffer, were martyred. After the fall of Nazism, believers failed to preach and pray in the necessary, God-centered worldview and principled leadership.

In the late 1970’s and early 80’s I was compelled to warn people concerning the Soviet nuclear threat to American freedom. Billy Graham, Bill Bright and other church leaders were convinced America only had 1,000 days of freedom remaining without a turn toward God and a renewed strength of character. I joined in calling for prayer and active participation on the part of all believers to help turn the tide to bring an end to the Cold War. Once again, a dangerous threat was avoided and the evil empire came down. Yet believers and caring Americans did not pay the necessary price to put into place important principled policies enabling our citizens to continue living in the fullness of freedom’s blessing and sharing these benefits with the suffering around the world. Many believers were politicized and polarized, and did not continue in the spirit of prayer while walking in fullness and continually releasing the greatest force of transforming power known to man. I am referring to the power of the Cross, the Gospel of the Kingdom and sharing God’s matchless love and grace.

Recognizing there are many issues calling for attention and correction, we must sincerely ask, “How do we best deal with these pressing problems? What must be put in place?” God can reveal the answers. While we are praying the adverse affect of evil and its dominating power out, we must pray in the liberating power of Almighty God. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. He is most anxious to reveal His way and His will, enabling and using everyone with ears to hear, hearts to heed and hands to help. God has called us all to lean on Him, listen to His heart, and respond to His will.

“Call to Me and I will answer you,” the Lord says, “and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know.”1

Recently, I read a meaningful article by a young journalist named Peter Heck. He pointed out that it has been generations since Americans have been exposed to such a clear picture of the significant differences between the liberal and more conservative views of this country and its future. Many current national leaders have been successful not only in demonstrating the frightening vision progressive liberals have of making America into a European-style socialist state, they have also managed to stimulate to action a vast concerned majority that has laid painfully dormant for years. I am hoping and praying “the father of all lies”has overplayed his hand.

Liberal leaders’ obsession with using divisive class warfare to gain power reveals a major difference in worldviews. The liberal left believes money belongs first to the government, and government must select citizens who get to keep some of it if – and only if – the government “can afford” to be so generous. Conservatives believe money belongs to the hard-working citizens who earned it.

The New York Times calls such concerned activists “narrow” and “uninspired” and even describes them with more demeaning characterizations. Wise Americans can see that liberals are offering less freedom, higher taxes, ever-increasing debt and excessive regulations. Clear thinkers and most people who trust God see the need for lower taxes, a free market delivered from greed, and a return to fiscal sanity.

The world is witnessing this week in Great Britain the same riotous activity manifested in Greece because political leaders are making it clear the government cannot continue taking care of everyone. The failure of Socialist trends in Europe should bring us to our knees and to our senses.

A false belief system is the contributing factor. It must be opposed by those who believe basic biblical principles. “The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God…2

It is not too late! The full consequences of foolish, idolatrous, evil practices and decisions can be averted by returning to God.

“Even now,” declares the Lord, “return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning. Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the Lord your God, for He is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and He relents from sending calamity… I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten… You will have plenty to eat, until you are full, and you will praise the name of the Lord your God, who has worked wonders for you.” 3 Then we will know for ourselves what the prophet Joel told Israel, “I am the Lord your God and there is no other.” 4

The truth that sets us free can keep us free! We must pray deception out, and truth in.


1 Jeremiah 33:3, NAS
2 2 Corinthians 10:4-5, NIV
3 Joel 2:12-13,25-26, NIV
4 Joel 2:27, NIV

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