Endorsements of The Stream.

Comments Concerning The Stream

From Ravi Zacharias, author, speaker and host of “Let My People Think” radio:

Anyone who looks at the spread of the Gospel in the early days underscores two indispensable realities: the Roman road and the Greek language. It was interesting how the early Greek philosophers, in looking for unity in diversity, knew that if that were ever to be accomplished, language would be key. It was also proverbially known that all roads led to Rome. What is not often remembered is how Rome built the roads to accomplish their mission of an empire.

Roads to people and paths to their hearts is what the early church harnessed. We are living in a day where the road and the language are on the screen, and only a click away. As obvious as that is, only the creative and the insightful know how to build what lies at the heart of the Gospel message in our times. All paths of thought that are worthy of being heard are brought together here through the vision and passion of James Robison. The Stream can open up an ocean of truth to bring living water to the thirsty. Many will be brought here to be informed, inspired, encouraged, and blessed. This is a God-given vision for our times. I know that I will be navigating through its pages to be kept abreast of the best in thought for understanding our times.


From Bishop Harry Jackson, Chairman of High Impact Leadership Coalition:

“There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the most High.” Psalm 46:4

The name of the website comes from this amazing revelation of God’s truth. In this passage, God’s favor is denoted by a river whose waters are conducted in streams that distribute life giving water to all parts of the city that represents His Church. This is just what the church needs in our generation – unfiltered truth. The water that flows from God’s river is first of all pure. It also is refreshing, restorative, and healing. The content on “The Stream” will consist of life giving words that will inspire, inform, and instruct.

Over the last four and a half years I have talked and prayed with James Robison about our mutual burden to see the church awakened, revived, and unified by the power of the gospel. Finally an answer came from the Lord. The birthing of The Stream was the Lord’s directive to James and his partners as a way to inspire and inform Christians from every kindred, tribe, and tongue. The stream promises to be a way for the Lord to get His body on the same page. I trust you will join me in joyfully receiving The Stream into my personal life as a divinely inspired tool to help me grow and progress in my daily walk with Christ.


Rev. Dr. Samuel Rodriguez, President of NHCLC/CONELA Hispanic Evangelical Association (Latinoevangelicals.com):

“The Stream” serves as a prophetic platform for truth and love in the midst of pathetic times full of relativism and hatred. It exists to amplify the new song.

Isaiah 26:1 “In that day, everyone in Judah will sing this song; Our city is strong! We are surrounded by the walls of God’s salvation!”

There is a new song arising and “The Stream” will amplify that song. This new song will not be sung exclusively by a black chorus, a white ensemble, a Latino band or an Asian soloist. This new song will be sung by a multi-ethnic kingdom culture choir washed by the blood of the Lamb.

Therefore, to the proponents of the old song; to those that raise the volume of hatred and discord, to the spirits of captivity, violence, bigotry, inequality and injustice we sing the following:

For every Pharaoh there will be a Moses,

For every Goliath there will be a David,

For every Nebuchadnezzar there must be a Daniel,

For every Jezebel there will be an Elijah,

For every Herod there will be a Jesus,

And for every devil that rises up against us there is a mightier God that rises up for us!

Join the Stream and sing America sing!


From Jim Liske, President and CEO of Prison Fellowship:

I believe that if Prison Fellowship Ministries founder Chuck Colson were still with us, he would laud the launching of the Stream as an event with great potential to unify the Church’s efforts to reveal the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth.

Even within in the Church of Jesus Christ, we spin the happenings of our world in a manner that favors our personal agendas. It is time for the only agenda to be our God’s. Our goal should not be to compete with one another or to win the “culture wars,” but that we might be used by God to bring hope, peace, and redemption.

When we can all think, love, and serve like Jesus, we will show a lost world the community we have in our Lord. Only when we are in the flow of the Spirit together will we advance God’s agenda. Only we are one the same page of the Great Commission will we fix what’s broken around us.

The Stream has the potential to bring us together by bringing us all under God’s gracious leadership.

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Please visit stream.org and encourage all of your friends to go there for inspiration, wisdom and clear direction. This website has been launched to bless you and those you love!


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