
Can We Become ‘The United States of America’ Once Again?

In this election season Americans are desperately looking for someone who will come in and tear up what needs to be torn up. That needs to happen. The Bible says, “Tear down and build up,” but when you tear down something bad, you’ve got to know what to replace it with. You’ve got to come in with wisdom; you can’t just come with a sledge-hammer. You must come with a plow, with seed, and receive water and light in order to see healthy growth. That’s what we’ve got to do.

We must begin at the root of things, with the soil, and see America together as a family — the “United States of America” once again. For the sake of our country’s future, leaders must lay aside their pride and self-serving agendas in order to come together with wisdom and common sense at the table of reason in dialogue with respect and humility to hammer out effective solutions to the difficult realities we face. Read the full article on The Stream.

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