The recent beheadings in the Middle East and in our homeland reveal far more than the horrific deeds of a terrorist group. It actually reveals the evil intent of Satan himself. It is very important that we recognize evil and stand firmly against it. More importantly, however, we must understand the source. We are witnessing the expressed desire of the enemy of life and freedom.
Jesus said of those who scourged Him, spit in His face, plucked His beard, placed a crown of thorns on His head, and drove spikes through His hands and ultimately a spear into His side: “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34). Sounds like the kind of a statement that would come from a person who has lost coherent thought, but it was not. Jesus knew that these evildoers were under the control of a power totally committed to destroying all that is precious and meaningful.
The enemy clearly understands that “a house divided cannot stand.” That is why through his craftiness, he seeks to divide people in the most intimate relationships: marriage, families, national leadership, and above all, the church of the living God.
Satan’s strategy is to separate the body of believers (the church) from the head (Christ Himself). When those who have experienced the redemptive power of the cross allow the enemy to divide them into turf-protecting, sectarian groups, he has accomplished much in weakening the power and effect of the Christian witness. When he can divide a nation, he is on his way to bringing it down and destroying the freedom that a principled, sound, under-control government can provide. It is sad to note today that our nation has been weakened because the church itself has too often been severed from the Head— in a sense, “beheaded.”
Unfortunately, many American Christians are mindless and heartless when it comes to impacting national direction. Church leaders, pastors, and priests have not led their members to be salt and light. Professing Christians have handed our future over to evil-doers; they have forfeited the battle without even fighting. As a result, we have national leadership who prove time and again they cannot be trusted. The present administration’s actions undermine every promise and commitment. They have proven to be incompetent to lead in times of crises.
What happened in Moore, Oklahoma, was the intent of Satan, who hates the living God of the Old and New Testaments. Radical Muslims committed to jihad and a caliphate want all “infidels” murdered. Beheading believers—those who trust Christ as Lord of all—is not only the goal of these radicals, but also of Satan. Paul declared to New Testament believers concerning Satan: “We are not unaware of his schemes” (2 Cor. 2:11).
Many professing Christians today seem totally unaware of his craftiness. Have you noticed? It seems most Christians here in America have been “beheaded” in the spiritual realm by the deception of the power of darkness. Most don’t think. They appear not only indifferent to Christ’s commission, but mindless concerning their own personal responsibility to be effective witnesses for Christ. They do not stand for biblical principles. They disregard the Bible, as well as the Constitution that was given by those who understood the enemy’s intent.
The lack of participation in selecting our leaders has led to our nation’s decline. The majority of Americans who have participated have chosen weak, misguided leaders. Innocent life in the womb has been devalued and, as a result, all life has been devalued. For years, babies in the womb have literally been beheaded, dismembered, and pulled apart. Now we see it happening to adults, teens, and children. The enemy is delivering to those out of the womb what we’ve allowed to happen in the womb.
Prayer is cast aside as God is pushed out of public life and policy. Political correctness has totally replaced biblical and founding principles. The Constitution is trampled and disregarded. People are promised handouts with no responsibility or accountability. Biblical morality is cast aside. Mind-altering substances are promoted by ignoring or changing laws. Marriage is weakened by the lack of covenant commitment as couples “hook up,” mocking the biblical union. Now marriage, along with morality, is being redefined.
Professing Christians not only have allowed these atrocities, but also contribute to it by not taking a stand. Those who claim to believe in the Bible and Jesus far outnumber those who profess no Christian faith or religious affiliation, but they don’t let their lives or votes count. They have been spiritually beheaded by Satan himself.
God have mercy on us! If Christians don’t wake up, it will be devastating to everything sacred. Terror will win when our God should be reigning through His people. Wake up, believers, before you meet the horror intended for those who love faith and freedom! Stand up! Choose His righteousness and shelter from this terrible storm. Don’t give the enemy an inch, much less your mind, family, freedom, children, and future! Christians who love God and their neighbor as commanded are the only ones who can lead the charge against the enemy of life and liberty. We need God’s wisdom. In our own power, we lack the insight and strength necessary to stand against the gates of hell.
The trend can be reversed if Christians, prophets, and priests sound the alarm and lead the charge. Crises and catastrophic events always bring together caring, faith-filled people to make the necessary difference. I’m praying that all Christians who have been on the sidelines will come to the aid of the family, country, and freedom. In faith and courage, we can crush the enemy’s head—the old serpent that makes people mindless and heartless. It’s not too late, but soon will be. Freedom will be lost if believers don’t join together on common ground to correct our course.
Therefore, thus says the Lord,
“If you return, then I will restore you—
Before Me you will stand;
And if you extract the precious from the worthless,
You will become My spokesman.
They for their part may turn to you,
But as for you, you must not turn to them.
“Then I will make you to this people
A fortified wall of bronze;
And though they fight against you,
They will not prevail over you;
For I am with you to save you
And deliver you,” declares the Lord.
“So I will deliver you from the hand of the wicked,
And I will redeem you from the grasp of the violent.”
(Jeremiah 15:19-21, NASB)