My Hope for Easter Sunday

This Sunday we will celebrate the greatest moment in history when our Savior gave His life so that we might have abundant life now and for eternity. He victoriously conquered death and the grave in resurrection power on that first Easter morning!

He is forever alive and wants to live His resurrected life through us. Let’s pray for the resurrection power of Christ in the life of every believer to be revealed in undeniable power. We must never forget that He said, “But I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you.” (John 16:7) This means the same Jesus, who lived and revealed the Father clearly while He was on earth, now lives in the life of every born again believer — through the power of the Holy Spirit, who the Lord sent to live in us.

Now is the Time to Live Out Biblical Truth

I pray that — as we continue on a course to overcome every challenge the deceiver and destroyer throws at us — all who love God and their neighbor, who love and cherish the preciousness of freedom, will stand together acknowledging that it is God alone who delivers us from the evil one. He alone can make up for the years that the locusts have eaten. He alone pours out the former and latter rain, that we may be more fruitful than ever. Pray that we will allow the Lord our Shepherd to make us lie down in green pastures of provision and lead us beside waters made still by the power of the peace only He can offer.

The Lord is the only One who can truly prepare a table of provision, fruitfulness and joy before us in the face of every enemy, and every accuser, while He anoints our head with oil. He promises that goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our life. This includes in the face of every satanic attack, every mountain, every valley, every challenge and fiery dart the enemy can throw in our path.

Let’s allow His resurrection life to be poured out through us like streams of living water, bringing forth fruit in the lives of all who receive the transforming truth and power in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Now is the time to stop discussing biblical truth, debating it and dividing over it, and begin demonstrating it in lives totally yielded to the Master’s hand. Now is the time to allow our great Father, the Potter, to shape us all into vessels of honor — through which He flows His wisdom, guidance, protection and unlimited provision.

May the Church Arise and Shine

As we approach Easter, Betty and I pray for the greatest manifestation of resurrection power in the history of the world through the body of Christ. I pray that we become effective as salt and light — and by standing together, we become the shining city set on a hill that cannot be hidden. It is Father God’s will that this be accomplished through His family, the body of Christ — about which Jesus said, “The gates of hell shall not prevail!” That’s not referencing the next kingdom, that’s right here in the garden of God that He gave us oversight of. “Heaven and earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.” The whole earth is His and we are to be His faithful overseers.

This Easter Sunday, as believers, let’s all arise and shine in resurrection power as the church of the living God, with His glory all over us. For our Lord will return for a bride “adorned in His glory”!

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