The American people once again have been called upon to deal with serious crises. At this time it’s visible on two fronts: the aftermath and devastation of Hurricane Sandy, and then Tuesday’s national elections. It is no exaggeration to say we are dealing with a crisis in both arenas. As always, any effective solution will only be found when people come together, work together, and pull together for a common cause and common good.

Facing the Crises: Sandy and the Election

The American people once again have been called upon to deal with serious crises. At this time it’s visible on two fronts: the aftermath and devastation of Hurricane Sandy, and then Tuesday’s national elections. It is no exaggeration to say we are dealing with a crisis in both arenas. As always, any effective solution will only be found when people come together, work together, and pull together for a common cause and common good. The world has witnessed the horrific aftermath of the catastrophic storm, but the world is also witnessing the aftermath of mismanagement, uncontrollable federal spending leading to unsustainable debt, limited opportunity, and diminishing resources.

The world will also witness the inspirational effect of people assisting their neighbors. There will be some talk about the importance of political leadership, assistance from FEMA, and the role of the federal government. When these agencies function in a proper manner, it is beautiful to observe, just like road construction under wise oversight not only expanding our travel ways and corridors, but doing it expeditiously and with great focus on the safety of drivers. Although as citizens we may experience some inconvenience and delays, as we observe the significant progress, we can’t help but exclaim, “What a great country we live in!”

Together we look after one another and government agencies provide additional oversight and safety for the people. This clearly illustrates how healthy government and cooperation on the part of the population can work together effectively. I am convinced this will be the case as we help people recover from Sandy’s negative effect and people rebuild to overcome their losses. Expressions of compassion, comfort and assistance (much of it coming from the community of faith) will rebuild people’s lives.

My close friend and pastor of Skyline Wesleyan Church in San Diego, Dr. Jim Garlow, appropriately shared, “The ‘image of God’ on every human results in creativity, followed by productivity and the potential of appropriate prosperity. Succinctly stated, free enterprise (appropriately defined within the framework of Judeo-Christian values) is inherently biblical.  Socialism or Marxism is inherently anti-biblical.” The point is that government programs alone are not going to rebuild the east coast or our nation. They don’t have their own funds unless they print it and devalue everything. Creative, productive citizens working together and sharing the financial burden will do the work and they will prosper in the process!

As we assist those who have been so adversely affected by the storm, I pray we learn some important lessons regarding the upcoming election and the direction our nation must go. You will witness all people, races, social levels, and political parties pulling together. This is not only the American way that has enabled us to be the nation admired by the world, but also the biblical way. This is the way Jesus and the Holy Spirit inspire and lead us to work together in meaningful harmony. Please prayerfully and from a position of deep conviction and proven principles vote this coming Tuesday for the best possible candidates. Do not allow personalities, parties, ethnicity, or an inappropriate sectarian discussion mislead your decision. Vote for those you believe are best qualified to help our nation recover from the devastation brought about through unsustainable debt, mismanagement of the people’s funds, damaging regulations, excessive bureaucratic interference, and failure to recognize the importance of biblical morality.

Do not take lightly the position of those who do not place the greatest possible emphasis on the right to life, because if you diminish the most helpless, innocent life (which is in the womb,) you are devaluing the life of every person on the planet. No, you do not base your vote on that one single issue, but if this is of small importance to a candidate or a party, it should cause deep concern. You will find those individuals and even the platforms begin to reflect that basic morality, biblical principles and the belief established in the Constitution are of little importance and everything truly important will be reduced.

Beware of those who ignore moral principles and substitute the natural for that which is unnatural, against nature along with proven historic practices such as marriage between one man and one woman. When you begin to redefine basic morality or totally ignore it, you have literally destroyed the essence of family and the foundation necessary to sustain everything of value. You see this redefining of the natural even in the propaganda of television, like the sitcoms “The New Normal” and “Modern Family,” to say nothing of the soap operas and movies that promote promiscuity and unnatural attraction as the norm. This programming promotes that which destroys real relationships.

Not for a moment am I implying that you should mock, ridicule, or make fun of people who may differ in their practices and beliefs. We must refuse, however, to redefine absolutes. Redefinition will lead to accepting and approving damaging practices such as compulsive, addictive, unrestrained behavior, totally self-serving tendencies of greed and manipulation and out-of-control debt because sound management principles and practices have been cast aside (see Romans 1).

When we address these serious issues in order to be effective in correcting our course, we’re going to have to come together and work toward the best possible solutions. And, yes, everyone is going to have to be willing to sacrifice and do whatever is necessary to rebuild from the foundation up. We cannot discard or diminish the importance of a solid foundation. That’s where we start. We restore the principled foundation and then we begin to build. The national restoration process, just as with Sandy, will be time-consuming and demanding, requiring total commitment and cooperation on the part of the American people.

Of all the people in America, the people of faith should lead the way as the example. Those of us who claim to know God in a personal way and love Him with all our heart must demonstrate the fact that we love our neighbor as ourselves. We’re not only going to help rebuild from the storm, we’re going to help rebuild our nation in the aftermath of decades of unhealthy, unprincipled decisions, policies and practices. We can do it!  Just as the rebuilding is underway on the east coast, may next week – whatever the outcome of the election – find the American people more determined than ever to restore and rebuild this great nation “under God, indivisible.”

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