America and the free world will always be safer when evildoers and evil deeds are properly handled. People of faith should pray for justice to be done and thank God when lawbreakers and murderers are stopped. I am indeed grateful Osama bin Laden was taken out through the united efforts of the intelligence agencies, President Obama and his Security Council, and especially through the training, commitment, skill and personal sacrifice on the part of our Special Forces.

Confronting Evil

America and the free world will always be safer when evildoers and evil deeds are properly handled. People of faith should pray for justice to be done and thank God when lawbreakers and murderers are stopped. I am indeed grateful Osama bin Laden was taken out through the united efforts of the intelligence agencies, President Obama and his Security Council, and especially through the training, commitment, skill and personal sacrifice on the part of our Special Forces. Although it is likely we will never know who they were and who fired the deadly shot taking out a master of terror, we are altogether thankful. I pray protection for those service personnel and their families. President Obama is to be commended for taking the appropriate risks. No one should try to take credit. We should seek to give credit and honor to all who participated in this very important operation.

Permit me to address other very legitimate concerns which I believe also fall under the category of evil. Let me first emphasize that the only way these issues can be properly dealt with is through the same dedication, determination and unity that exposed terror’s figurehead and eliminated him. The hate-filled ideas he encouraged must be continually recognized and resisted by higher ideals; transforming faith, truth and freedom.

God the Father said He revealed Himself in what He created. In our own bodies we can study the white blood cells resisting evil bacteria and battling for our health by identifying, isolating and eliminating them. Whenever a germ or infection enters the body, the white blood cells snap to attention and race toward the scene of the crime. These cells are continually on the lookout for any sign of disease. When a germ does appear, the white blood cells have a variety of ways by which they can attack. Some will produce protective antibodies that will overpower the germ. Others will surround and devour the bacteria. In the same way, we must all together deal forcefully with evil. When the necessary response of healthy cells is adversely affected by a virus like HIV and do not respond appropriately, overall health is damaged.

Many concerned Americans and Christians agree that there is an obvious damaging viral worldview not only accepting bad moral, economic and social practices, but also encouraging them. The long-term cost and damage inflicted through these beliefs and practices proves they have come from an evil root. Teaching people to place their hope and trust in something other than God is, in fact, the very essence of evil because it encourages idolatry leading to misplaced trust, which ultimately damages everyone.

True believers fully understand that faith cannot be imposed, but neither should no faith in a supreme being be imposed by forcing people to violate their conscience and convictions. The practice of forsaking sound economic principles by political leaders, the federal government and their manipulation of people by routinely taking their money, mismanaging it, wasting it and driving our nation into unsustainable debt. This must be stopped or the general population will be led into subservient bondage to the powers that be. Unprincipled, misguided practices and abuses led to revolution, the founding of our great nation, and the establishment of the Constitution to protect us from such outrages. Today’s unhealthy sense of entitlement and expectation along with the demand to be cared for by the government at all costs to the people while continually building hate for the job and wealth creators is, in fact, evil. If continued, it will create an animosity greater than racism. This form of class warfare will cripple all potential productivity and destroy any meaningful way to assist the poor, suffering, elderly and helpless.

Offering false hope and solutions proven to be ineffective is in itself evil. It is a waste of time to just vent anger and frustration. Now is the time to pray without ceasing for God to bring His people together in heart-harmony and for our leaders to come and reason together with the same dedication, determination, and unity of purpose that exposed and eliminated the awful terrorist, Osama bin Laden. The evil controlling him killed innocent people of all races and faiths. The practices supported by a present-day, damaging, collectivist, statist worldview promoted and supported by misguided thinkers and leaders in our own nation kills futures, the economy, individual lives and freedom itself.

Yes, these are the same kind of foolish, idolatrous beliefs that led Israel into Egyptian slavery and kept them in bondage to others throughout their journey as revealed in the Old Testament. Even after God delivered them into the blessings of the Promised Land, they repeated the cycle of recurring bondage by forsaking God and truth. Start anywhere you want in the Old Testament from the books of the law to the Psalms and Proverbs, through the major and minor prophets and you will hear clearly the voice of God calling people to trust Him and not the arm of the flesh that this present world’s God-ignoring beliefs represent. (For a start, see Nehemiah 9, Isaiah 1, Isaiah 6, Psalm 78 and the books of Joel and Hosea.) Just as the prophet Hosea declared, we also are using false standards of measure. Present-day relativists and most who have the support of major media don’t even think there is a reliable standard.

My Christian friend, we are partly, if not largely, responsible for the present course of our nation because we continue allowing it. We have tolerated the violation of sound principles on the part of national leaders for many years. People claiming to have faith in God have been “at ease in Zion” – complacent, indifferent, uninspired, uninformed, and uninvolved. It is time now for us to get on our knees together and then stand up like a mighty army and help deliver the church and nation from evil. Pastors must join together sounding a clear alarm on the trumpet of truth so the people will prepare for the right battle in the right way and win by choosing righteousness. America’s founders purchased and established our freedom with words, weapons and their very lives. They died for it – surely we can live for it!

I am convinced if we make a firm commitment to stand and take action wisely, we can protect and preserve freedom with our voices and our votes. We still have the privilege and responsibility of choosing those who lead and the policies we support or oppose. We do have time if we recognize NOW IS THE TIME and return to God, restore freedom’s foundation and rebuild the walls of sound principles.

If you want to hear the absolute truth from a proven leader, a politician, an American President, read the following from President Calvin Coolidge:

“If in a free republic a great government is the product of a great people, they will look to themselves rather than government for success. The destiny, the greatness of America lies around the hearthstone. If thrift and industry are taught there, and the example of self-sacrifice oft appears, if honor abide there, and high ideals, if there the building of fortune be subordinate to the building of character, America will live in security, rejoicing in an abundant prosperity and good government at home and in peace, respect, and confidence abroad. If these virtues be absent then there is no power that can supply these blessings. Look well to the hearthstone, therein all hope for America lies.” (Vice-Presidential Acceptance Address, Northampton, Massachusetts, July 27, 1920)

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