
A Nation Deceived

America has been deceived. This deception has been intentional on the part of some and “the father of lies” is definitely a factor. Much of the deception, however, is unintentional and the result of promoting or accepting a belief system which basically denies absolute truth and the life made possible by knowing the truth – a Person – in a personal relationship. The powerful effect of lives transformed by truth is undeniable for it is magnetically attractive.

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Most People

If you watch television, listen to talk radio, or read a newspaper, you will constantly hear the claim that “most people think,” followed by some assertion. Most people don’t like what is happening in our country. Most people want change. Most people are concerned about national direction, the economy, and the future. And, of course, most people are angry about the inaction and ineffectiveness of Congress and other leaders.

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The Shelter, Shadow and Shepherd

Jesus never imposed his will, virtues, or ethics on anyone. He presented Himself, along with the offer of abundant life and freedom made possible by abiding in the truth He offers. We have an invitation from Almighty God, our heavenly Father, to live in His shadow and His shelter while following the Lord, who is our Shepherd. Refusing this invitation is like shouting, “Bring on the consequences!”

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Remembering and Replacing 9/11

Ten years ago this weekend the world seemed to stand still in a state of total shock. Terrorists had flown two airliners into both towers of the World Trade Center. It was a direct hit on symbols representing the United States’ economic strength. A third plane slammed into the Pentagon, which represented our military power and security. Another airliner was brought down short of its intended target by truly brave passengers.

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Preachers and Politics

I think America has been headed in the wrong direction – straight into the ditch of out-of-control debt, with government agencies enforcing rules that were never passed and had even been rejected by Congress. Much of the media and population continually mock the God of the Bible, diminishing the value of marriage, family and even innocent life itself. Blind leaders have our blind nation headed over a cliff.

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Has America Found A King?

This past week when I read the following statement in the gospel of John, I was stunned – even though I had read it before. How could God’s chosen people of faith make such a statement concerning any false god?

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The Right Way: His Righteousness

We have many reasons to be concerned about the national challenges we face, and they go far beyond the economy. We are reaping the consequences of what has been sown in personal and collective lives. Necessary changes will be made by changed people who are led by wisdom from above and purpose-inspired living—God’s purpose. Do not blame a person who has been elected, a party, the media, or any highly-visible person of influence for our problems.

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The Church of State

Permit me to open with Prime Minister Cameron’s remarks concerning the riots in Great Britain. He indicated that the problem was the result of “a culture that glorifies violence, shows disrespect for authority, and says everything about rights and nothing about responsibility.” He then pointed to parental failure and the breakdown of families. Without a return to God, here in our own nation, we are headed in the same direction.

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America: A Secular Theocracy

Governor Rick Perry of Texas called a prayer meeting set for Saturday, August 6, to encourage personal repentance while seeking God’s blessing and guidance for our nation, leaders and citizens. He is calling it “TheResponse: A Solemn Assembly.” I will be there praying for God’s will to be done.

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The Greatest Mission Field: America

The nation that should be the greatest force for missions has now become the field in greatest need of mission outreach. Pastors and churches have inspired positive outreach around the world; and their ability and willingness to continue doing so is being threatened by a culture that ignores truth and biblical principles while openly mocking those who reference God. Many missionaries that LIFE Outreach supports tell us that America and the church in our nation is a focal point for their prayers.

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