This week,violent storms ripped through the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex. They were the result of Tropical Storm Hermine. Six tornadoes spun through and around the area. At the very moment of highest impact, concerned, truly Spirit-led ministry leaders drove and flew into the face of the storm to participate in a leadership prayer summit at DFW Airport.

A Miracle in the Face of Storms

This week,violent storms ripped through the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex. They were the result of Tropical Storm Hermine. Six tornadoes spun through and around the area. At the very moment of highest impact, concerned, truly Spirit-led ministry leaders drove and flew into the face of the storm to participate in a leadership prayer summit at DFW Airport. As I have shared, God has impressed me to call church and national leaders, along with all believers, to pray for a spiritual awakening that will lead to the restoration of freedom’s foundation and the rebuilding of necessary walls, all of this consistent with the truths represented in Isaiah 58.  Beyond a doubt, I witnessed a miracle that will bring to pass an even greater miracle.

God reveals in His Word, “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people.” (Proverbs 14:34) For decades this nation has drifted from God. There is an all-out assault on faith, family and freedom.  I will be 67 years old in a few weeks, and I never imagined I would witness such a drastic drift away from Judeo-Christian principles that has occurred in the past 50 years. As an example, in the 1950’s the illegitimacy rate was 5% and now it is over 40%. The present divorce rate is 50% both outside the church and within the family of professing believers. In addition, there are many who are simply living together without any marriage commitment and, of course, the assertion that same-sex marriage is to be considered both appropriate and normal. It is also obvious materialism has too often become an all-consuming idolatrous pursuit with little personal interest in the well being of others.

The church must, as a response to 2 Chronicles 7:14, become a source helping release healing for the nation. The answer will come from God through His wisdom, counsel and guidance. He will use those who seek, as our founders did, divine providence for all areas of life.

I witnessed a manifestation of what can happen when believers live to be an answer to the prayer of Jesus in John 17 that we “be one with the Father and perfected in unity.” Those who gathered in prayer on Wednesday and Thursday of this week revealed a heart harmony and spirit of unity that can only be described as supernatural. This was a remarkably diverse, distinctly different, and unique group.

The room was filled with love, unspeakable joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control, and at the same time, brokenness before God with undeniable expressions of compassion and legitimate concern for the well being of all. Everyone not only asked God to search their own heart, but also to accomplish His purpose in and through us for His glory. There was no self-seeking or self-serving, only a desire to see the will of God accomplished and all the earth be blessed as we witness a return to righteousness and necessary restoration.

There was great attention given to the needs of the poor, the hurting and the helpless, not only around the world, but in every community right here in America. The church must help lead the way because the government’s so-called “War on Poverty” has proved to be a war on the poor, opportunity, and productivity. There is no question that God hears our prayers and we trust Him for the healing of our land. This is no time for indifference, idolatry or idleness. Everyone has a part! These were leaders coming together in agreement on your behalf.  Be assured, those who attended will not only lead, but inspire leaders. As a matter of fact, it is imperative that each person assume their own responsibility to lead and offer wise oversight and counsel in the circles within their own sphere of influence.

We are committed together to God’s will, to His kingdom purpose through the lives of all believers, and believing God that the tide of rebellion, unbelief, immorality and the very assault on the preciousness of life itself will be turned back. We pray that the ship of state will make the necessary course adjustment to avoid the obvious and hidden dangers that can and will bring catastrophic consequences if we do not turn in the right direction toward unshakable truth and safe harbor. The light and love of God reveals the way.

Every attendee expressed deep personal concern for the assault on faith, family and freedom. Everyone clearly understood the absolute necessity of returning to God with our whole heart. It was made very clear that no party or power on earth is the answer, but that if God’s power is released and properly manifested, every base of power and influence on this planet will be affected in a positive way.

Here are names of those who directly helped to organize* the summit or attended to seek God in earnest prayer. Please join us and encourage others to join also.

Stephen Broden, Pastor, Fair Park Bible Fellowship, TX

Keith Butler, Founder & Senior Pastor, Word of Faith Intl Christian Center

Kenneth Copeland, Kenneth Copeland Ministries, TX

Creflo Dollar, Founder & Senior Pastor of World Changers  Church

Greg Dumas, Pastor, The Crossing Church, FL

Tony Evans, Founder & Senior Pastor, Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship, TX

Father Joseph Fessio, Founder & Editor Ignatius Press, CA

Maggie Gallagher, President, Institute for Marriage and Public Policy, NY

Jim Garlow, Senior Pastor, Skyline Wesleyan Church, CA

Jack Graham*, Senior Pastor, Prestonwood Baptist, TX

Craig Groeschel, Founding & Senior Pastor of

O.S. Hawkins*, Guidestone Financial Resources, TX

Jack Hayford* , President, Foursquare International, CA

Chris Hodges, Founding & Sr Pastor, Church of the Highlands, AL

Harry Jackson, Senior Pastor, Hope Christian Church. DC

Richard Land, President,  Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission 

Richard Lee, Founding Pastor, First Redeemer Church, GA

Miles McPherson, Pastor, The Rock Church, CA

Andy McQuitty, Senior Pastor, Irving Bible Church, TX

John Meador,Senior Pastor, First Baptist Euless, TX

Dave, Joyce & David Meyer, Joyce Meyer Ministries, MO

Gene Mills, Executive Director, Louisiana Family Forum, LA

Johnnie Moore, Vice President , Liberty University, VA

Robert Morris, Founding Senior Pastor, Gateway Church, TX

Tom Mullins, Founder, Christ Fellowship, FL

Doug Napier, Sr Legal Counsel, Alliance Defense Fund, AZ

Paige Patterson, President, SW Baptist Theological Seminary, TX

Tony Perkins, President, Family Research Council, DC

Gary Phillips, Administrative Pastor, First Baptist Euless, TX

Buddy Pilgrim, Founder, Integrity Leadership, TX

Jay Richards, Senior Fellow of the Discovery Institute, OR

Dino Rizzo, Founding Pastor, Healing Place Church, LA

James Robison, Founder & President Life Outreach International, TX

Dave Roever, Roever Evangelistic Association, TX

Mark Rutland, President, Oral Roberts University, OK

Toby Slough , Senior Pastor, Cross Timbers Community Church, TX

Larry Stockstill, Senior Pastor, Bethany World Prayer Center, LA

Dave Stone, Senior Minister, Southeast Christian Church, KY

Stu Weber, Senior Pastor, Good Shepherd Community Church, OR

Ravi Zacharias*, Ravi Zacharias International Ministries, GA

It was suggested during our meeting that we encourage you to consider joining us in a time of 40 days of prayer and God-led fasting from September 20 – October 30. You can go to to get some information and see many of the leaders listed who are already encouraging this time of separation and intercession. 

Also, I, along with many others who care, encourage you to read the Manhattan Declaration and prayerfully consider signing it. I cannot imagine a believer not whole-heartedly embracing it.

These are serious and challenging days, but if we heed our Master’s call to build our lives, our families, our nations and our futures on the Solid Rock, not simply preaching or merely hearing the Word, but doing it, our house will withstand life’s fiercest storms and all challenges. We are to be overcomers in this life for “greater is He that is in us, than he that is in the world!”

I love you all, and I care deeply. Thanks for joining with us. Please pass this on to others.

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